Post #7: Changes to my study programme

To start this post I would say that it was difficult for me to realize what changes would I do to my study programme, but at the end I came up with a few ideas. First of all, and as many of my classmates said, there should be more practices and field trips along the career. With these activities we could have more (and real) opportunities to learn and to become better professionals. I mean, stuff we learn in classes is definitely very important, but what's the point if we can't put that knowledge into practice?

 Secondly, if I think about the faculty facilities I believe there are at least two things I would change about it. In first place the library is not so big, there are usually not enough tables for the students and also there are just a few boards, which I consider extremely useful elements when studying or working in groups. Another thing I would change is that Antumapu should have enough recycling bins to promote recycling and avoid waste disposal, especially considering that many of us are concerned about the environment. Well, in terms of environment care and climate change, I think it would be very useful to add this as a subject to our curriculum, taking into account that many of us chose this career because we want to bring about change. In conclusion I’d say that these changes could definitely improve the experience of studying in Antumapu.


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