Post #5: My future job


This is the most difficult subject I have to write about because what I want to do with my future is a question I ask myself almost every day. I always knew I was going to study a non-typical career and in high school I found Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources, which I thought it was perfect for me because the only thing I was sure about was that I wanted to study something related to the environment. Nowadays I still don’t know for sure what my dream job is, but one thing I know is that I’d like to work outdoors. I would hate being inside an office all day, so outdoors is ideal for me. I’ve been thinking that maybe working in species conservation is a good idea because until now the subjects we have studied related to ecology have been the most interesting ones for me. In terms of travelling I would like to do it but not all the time, cause I’d probably have a family and of course I want to spend time with their. Considering all this, I think I would like to be a CONAF park ranger. I really like the idea.  


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