
Post #8: English Language Classes

  At the beginning of the semester I wasn’t sure to take English IV, mainly because I thought it would make me feel very nervous speaking in English in front of my classmates. Despite that I decided to take it and I have no regrets. This subject was one of my favorites of this semester because of the classes, my classmates and even the evaluations.   In relation to blogs, most part of the time I really enjoyed writing them, because topics were interesting and funny. Also, writing these posts helped me a lot to learn new words and to expand my vocabulary, so I think this modality of evaluations was appropriate. In spite of that, I have to say that on some occasions I was really tired and having to write them before 12:00 pm on Saturdays was a little bit annoying. I think I learnt some useful things that will help me to improve my English skills, so I’m grateful for that. Despite that I have to practice other things, such as speaking, because it’s hard for me to do it fluently and us

Post #7: Changes to my study programme

To start this post I would say that it was difficult for me to realize what changes would I do to my study programme, but at the end I came up with a few ideas. First of all, and as many of my classmates said, there should be more practices and field trips along the career. With these activities we could have more (and real) opportunities to learn and to become better professionals. I mean, stuff we learn in classes is definitely very important, but what's the point if we can't put that knowledge into practice?   Secondly, if I think about the faculty facilities I believe there are at least two things I would change about it. In first place the library is not so big, there are usually not enough tables for the students and also there are just a few boards, which I consider extremely useful elements when studying or working in groups. Another thing I would change is that Antumapu should have enough recycling bins to promote recycling and avoid waste disposal, especially consid

Post #6: Time travel in the future

  I believe this week's topic is one of the strangest and most disturbing ones because I know thinking about the future can be overwhelming and scary. Despite that, if I have to choose a moment of the future to travel I think I would choose 2030 or by that time. The reason of my choice is because it really makes me feel curious about how my life would be when I am in my 30's: Will I be married to the love of my life? Will I be a mom? Where I'll be living? What I'll be working on? Will I be happy? These are just a few questions that come to my mind when I think about the future. If I travel to that time I think I would stay for just a short time, so I’d definitely come back to the present soon. I’m not sure if destiny exists, but what I do believe is that we create our path with the actions we take on a day-to-day basis, so if I want to have my dream life I must work hard every day. Also, if I stay in the future I would miss lots of valuable moments and adventures, so

Post #5: My future job

  This is the most difficult subject I have to write about because what I want to do with my future is a question I ask myself almost every day. I always knew I was going to study a non-typical career and in high school I found Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources, which I thought it was perfect for me because the only thing I was sure about was that I wanted to study something related to the environment. Nowadays I still don’t know for sure what my dream job is, but one thing I know is that I’d like to work outdoors. I would hate being inside an office all day, so outdoors is ideal for me. I’ve been thinking that maybe working in species conservation is a good idea because until now the subjects we have studied related to ecology have been the most interesting ones for me. In terms of travelling I would like to do it but not all the time, cause I’d probably have a family and of course I want to spend time with their. Considering all this, I think I would like to be a CONAF par

Post #4: A funny moment of my childhood

First of all, I have to say that I spent several hours trying to remember a funny or important moment but I couldn't, so I ended up calling my mom. Finally, I remembered a funny moment. It was in 2011 so I was like 10 or 11 years old: one of my best friends of school invited me and more girls to a sleepover in her house. I remember I was so excited but also really nervous because before that I've never slept in a friend's house.  I accepted her invitation and I have to say I’m so glad I did. The moments we lived together on that day (and night) are one of my favorite memories of all times. We swam in the pool, listened to music and in the afternoon we went to walk in her neighborhood, which was definitely the best moment of the day. One of my friends came up with the idea of playing “rin rin raja” and of course we did. I remember feeling a lot of adrenaline running through my veins hahah, we laughed a lot. It was an amazing day. I wish I could go back to those times .

Post #3: Hobbies

I think I’ve never had a specific hobbie, so instead of that I enjoy the simple things. Nowadays, watching series on Netflix while drinking a cup of tea is something I really enjoy, even more if my dog Rayén accompanies me. Currently I’m watching Gilmore Girls, which is a super relaxing and funny series. Another thing that entertains me a lot is playing Wii with my brother. We play New Super Mario Bros almost every week and we have a really good time together. Sometimes I do it alone but playing with him is definitely better. Finally, I would say that one of my favorite things to do is going on walks with my boyfriend. In the summer we visited many parks in Santiago, and we spent the afternoons doing picnics but now we are both busy with university, so we don’t have much time to do it. I’m looking forward for summer vacations so we can go back to going on walks, it was so fun! I miss a lot those days when we walked very long distances.

Post #2: The best concert I've been to

Definitely the best (and most colorful) concert I’ve ever attended in my life was Coldplay’s concert in 2016. It was on Saturday, April 3rd, in National Stadium. I went with four friends of school, who were huge fans of the band too. I remember getting to the stadium around midday and waited several hours outside of it until the doors opened. Once inside the place some event organizers gave us brazalets and immediately after that we ran to our seats. When the show started we realized that the brazalets had color lights that turned on to the rhythm of the music, so the hole stadium was full of colors. It was beautiful! The band played many songs from different albums so I had a really good time singing and dancing to them. At the end of the concert I bought a poster that I still keep and every time I look at it I remember what a magical and lovely experience it was. I really hope to repeat it soon!